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21–30 of 36 results

  • Prevent Home Foreclosure

    Foreclosure occurs when the homeowner is unable to make mortgage loan payments as required. If you miss payments, your lender may be able to legally take back the property through a legal process known as foreclosure. 

    Family & Personal


    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Problems with a Legal Contract

    A contract is an agreement between people or legal entities, such as a business or an organization, in which one party agrees to perform a service or provide goods in exchange for money or other goods or services. A person, company, or other legal entity who signs a contract is…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Public Benefits

    Para español, haga clic aquí. To help reduce poverty and provide better access to health care for those who need it, the government has assistance programs known as “public benefits.” These programs include  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP, also known as “food stamps”), Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.  Public benefits…

    Financial Matters

    Public Benefits
  • Public Charge (Immigrant Rights)

    If you are applying for immigration status as a lawful permanent resident (LPR) or to enter the U.S. on a visa, USCIS may review your application to determine if you are “likely at any time to become a public charge.”  A new final public charge rule went into effect on…

    Financial Matters

    Public Benefits
  • Rental Assistance and Other Resources

    Thousands of low income and vulnerable people across Central Florida turn to CLSMF for legal assistance related to protection of their livelihoods, their health, and their families. The following page includes links to information and resources where Central Floridians can find many types of necessary and valuable resources. We highly…

    Financial Matters

    Disaster Relief
  • Rental Property Problems after Disaster

    If you rent a home or an apartment that was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster, you may experience problems with your landlord or struggle to have repairs completed on your residence. When a rented property is damaged due to a disaster, it is common to have questions about…

    Family & Personal


    Financial Matters

    Disaster Relief
  • Replacing Lost Documents

    Replacing your important documents that were lost or destroyed in a flood, fire, or other disaster can be overwhelming. Although the process varies from state to state, these general steps can help you get started. Please keep in mind that this list does not include every detail of the process.…

    Financial Matters

    Disaster Relief
  • Repossession

    If you fall behind on your car loan payments, your lender can take back your car. This is called “repossession”. A “lender” is the person or company that you agreed to pay on a regular basis when they financed the purchase of your car. When you fall so far behind…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Social Security Benefits

    Social Security benefits are paid to support people who are disabled (including children), people who have retired, survivors of workers who have died, and dependents of beneficiaries. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has several different programs depending on which of these categories you may fit into.  Social Security Disability Insurance…

    Financial Matters

    Public Benefits
  • Starting a Business

    A for-profit business is established for the purpose of making a profit for its owners or investors. The most common types of business structures are corporations, limited liability companies (also known as LLCs), sole proprietorships, and partnerships. The structure of the business determines how income from your business is taxed,…

    Financial Matters

    Starting a Business