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  • Fair Housing

    All Central Floridians deserve equal housing opportunities. We can help you determine if you are being discriminated against based on your protected class. The protected classes are race, national origin, color, sex or gender, disabilities, religion, and family situations. These are also known as the seven protected traits covered under…

    Family & Personal

    Fair Housing | Housing
  • Housing Discrimination and Fair Housing Laws

    The Federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 – 3619) makes housing discrimination in the rental, sale, financing, or insuring of housing or housing-related services illegal if the discrimination is based on race, national origin, color, sex or gender, disability, religion, and familial status (presence of children under the…

    Family & Personal

    Fair Housing | Housing
  • Housing Providers and Fair Housing Laws

    As a housing provider, you have an obligation to uphold fair housing laws. Individuals looking to buy or rent from you have rights under the Federal Fair Housing Act and Florida’s Fair Housing Act that protect them from housing discrimination It is just as important that you know these specific…

    Family & Personal

    Fair Housing | Housing
  • Lending Discrimination

    Your race, color, religion, gender, familial status, or national origin should never affect your ability to qualify for a mortgage — this concept is called “fair lending.” Fair lending is a right provided to you by the Federal Fair Housing Act, with equal protections offered by Florida’s Fair Housing Act.…

    Family & Personal

    Fair Housing | Housing
  • Reasonable Accommodations and Reasonable Modifications

    It is illegal for housing providers to discriminate against you based on your mental, physical, or intellectual disability. Actions such as denying you housing or a mortgage, denying a reasonable accommodation or modification request, or not providing accessible units for multi-family homes built after 1991 are considered discriminatory when based…

    Family & Personal

    Fair Housing | Housing