Health Coverage Based on Age, Disability, or Diagnosis (Medicare)
Health Coverage Based on Age, Disability, or Diagnosis (Medicare)

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, as well as some younger people under certain situations. Medicare coverage plays an important role in managing your medical costs as you age. While it does not cover all medical expenses, Medicare can significantly help with the cost of healthcare.
Medicare is a completely different program than Medicaid, because it is a Federal program determined by age, disability, or diagnoses whereas Medicaid is determined by whether the person is low income and meets priority areas as determined by the state.
Medicare is operated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) but applications and public information for Part A and B (also known as “original Medicare”) are handled by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Medicare Part C and Part D coverage is provided through private insurers.
The Medicare enrollment period each year runs from October 15th through December 7th. Visit the Social Security Administration’s Medicare information page to find an online application option.
If you have been wrongly denied Medicare coverage contact CLSMF for legal advice.