2022 Legal Matters
2022 Legal Matters
True equity starts with ensuring that everyone has access to the most basic of needs.”
― Mikki Kendall
Legal cases and clients
We work holistically with our clients, assisting over 13% of them with more than one legal problem. Serving the whole person increases their chances of successfully escaping poverty.
Through our casework…
CLS improved the livelihood of over 9,000 kids, 6,000 people living in homes where there is violence, and almost 1,000 veteran or military active duty people.
Attorney and Advocate Time
During 2022, our staff devoted almost 250,000 hours of work to our firm, including almost 90,000 hours of grant-funded direct case time, at no cost to our clients. Our volunteer pro bono attorneys gave over 4,000 hours of free legal expertise.
Legal Advice Helpline
When someone calls our Helpline about their legal problems, our attorneys spend thousands of hours each year talking through their options. Assistance by phone allows CLS to help more people than traditional office visits and it saves our clients time and effort.